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KN95 Face Mask

£4.25 EXC VAT


The KN95 face mask to help protect yourself against COVID-19, This mask as a respiratory and can be reused.


These masks are sold individually, we have tried to keep costs done but as these masks have been imported from china we have had to pay an inflated cost.

Equivalent to N95 respirators, but are not cleared by the FDA and typically used in China.  With worldwide supply shortages of N95s in America, more KN95 masks are starting to appear in this country.

You may be wondering what KN95 masks are, and how they’re different from N95 masks. This handy chart explains what’s different and similarities – N95 vs KN95.

In short, N95 masks are the US standards for respirator masks; KN95 masks are the Chinese standards for masks. Despite the long list of differences, the two masks are equivalent or almost the same on the features that most people care about.

N95 vs. KN95 Comparison Chart

Difference Between N95 and KN95 Masks

According to mask manufacturer 3M, “it is reasonable to consider” China’s KN95s “equivalent” to US N95s. Mask standards for Europe (FFP2), Australia (P2), Korea (KMOEL), and Japan (DS) are also highly similar.

Australia P2 Mask Standards similar to N95 and KN95 masks

N95 vs. KN95: What’s The Same?

Both masks are rated to capture 95% of tiny particles (0.3 micron particles, to be exact). On this metric, N95 and KN95 respirator masks are the same.

Differences Between N95 and KN95 Masks standards

Since N95 and KN95 masks are rated to capture 95% of 0.3 micron particles, people will often think masks can’t capture particles smaller than 0.3 microns. Here’s one example of an infographic by South China Morning Post claiming just this. They even go so far as to say “N95 respirators protect the wearer from breathing in particles bigger than 0.3 microns in diameter“.

Claims that masks cannot capture cornavirus covid particles smaller than 0.3 microns are incorrect

However, that’s not true. Masks are actually more effective at capturing smaller particles than many people believe. Empirical data finds that masks are actually highly effective at capturing smaller smaller particles.

Difference Between N95 vs. KN95 Masks

Both ratings require masks to be tested for filtration efficiency at capturing salt particles (NaCl). Both are tested at a flow rate of 85 L/minute. However, there are some differences between N95 and KN95, highlighted here.

KN95 vs. N95 – Differences Highlighted

Difference Between N95 and KN95 Masks Highlighted




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